The Beginning of Boost Coffee

As a University student, I struggled… everybody does it’s f*cking University, its hard! I noticed many other students having difficulty keeping up with school. Doing whatever it took to get their assignments done on time, get their ass to lectures, and just be able to balance school and life. As a result, I noticed students abusing caffeine having 3-5 coffee/energy drinks a day just to “get by”, and/or turning to illegal, unsafe drugs to hand in that assignment on time. All of this leading to very unhealthy habits and having a negative impact on student’s mental health. I thought to myself, there HAS to be a better way! Combining my passion for coffee with my ambition to help students achieve success I discovered something INCREDIBLE. On my way home from the gym one fateful afternoon, I cringed at the fact of having to write 10 pages of an assignment at home and WISHED for a “something” to give me focus, energy, and thinking powers to get it DONE! Then like an oasis it appeared: Pre-workout, the drink gym goers and myself take to stay focused, motivated and mentally clear in the gym LITERALLY has supplements that do exactly that. So, combining that discovery with my passion for coffee, I thought to myself what if I mixed the focus, energy, and cognitive enhancing supplements from pre-workout into a delicious coffee drink so that it can help students alike stay FOCUSED, ENERGIZED, and PRODUCTIVE on their studies more effectively than coffee and safer than drugs! That ladies and gentlemen was how Boost Coffee was BORN!

"My Passion For Coffee Is Immense, But My Passion For People Is Immenser"

I love coffee with all my heart. I have since I could remember. Even my Mom says she used to give me shots of coffee when I was 5 before hockey. Coffee has always just been a sacred beverage for me, drinking it since I was 12 everyday. My first cup of Coffee was at camp with my Dad. After asking if I could have a cup (probably around 8-9 years old) he poured me one and that’s when I fell in love. Sipping coffee feeling like an adult with everyone at the campground while the sun was rising and the Coffee warming my soul. 

How did I know that Coffee would not only be something I loved BUT would be my career?

I knew it would be my career after sitting in a dark, cold, windowless room at the bottom of a grain factory. I would contemplate my life for hours on end just talking to myself: "Is this where I want to be for the rest of my life". Those conversations with myself led me to believe that I crazy (HAHA laugh its a joke). But more importantly that I wanted absolutely nothing to do with any sort of factory... EVER. I wanted to do something unique, special... not so AVERAGE. This led me down the thought path of how much I love coffee. Its the first thing I think about in the morning. It is a memorable and symbolic beverage that holds meaning to it because you share it with friends and the people that mean most to you. So, what did I do? I came up with the dream that I would take my passion for coffee, make it my career, but also make it DIFFERENT. BUT HOW?! Boost Coffee is the perfect representation of that, it is a coffee filled with passion, that is filled with benefits, and that is filled with a community of people that want to be successful and NOT JUST AVERAGE! Boost Coffee wants to be the coffee for you, the coffee that you can share with your roommate before a long day of school, a coffee that you can rely on to get you through even the worst of days, A coffee that is for all students. Students of school, students of live, and students of love. Being a student is anyone who is willing to learn, be successful and enjoy what life has to offer. Boost Coffee is the coffee for you. This is NOT your AVERAGE cup of JOE! CHOOSE BOOST!!:) 

Get Boosted!

Ben Pretty (Boost Coffee Founder)

My ambition for Boost Coffee is to create a community of likeminded, motivated and successful students through a cup of coffee that like them, strives not to be average

What's In Boost Coffee?

100% Organic Mexican Instant Coffee, L-Theanine, L-Tyrosine, Rhodiola Rosea, and Lions Mane Mushroom.

What Are The main benefits?!

The main benefits you'll feel after drinking Boost Coffee is a longer stronger energy buzz, a more concentrated relaxed focus, enhanced energy, thinking, learning, memory and motivation without anxiety or jitteriness!

What Does Boost Coffee Stand For?

Boost Coffee stands for a happier, healthier and less stressed student. We stand for being THAT cup of coffee with an extra boost so that we can give you an extra boost when it comes to those long hard school days. We stand for being THAT cup of coffee that connects you and other student over difficult times. We are THAT coffee that you buy for you and your friends. We are THAT coffee that wants to support students and their lifestyles. We are THAT coffee that is just better than average coffee. To summarize, we are THAT coffee. Simply put, we stand for everything that isn’t average, anything for the student, and success.

What is Boost Coffee’s Goal?

Our goal is to become student's number one choice of caffeinated beverage! We want to be implemented in every university cafeteria across Canada. With every purchase, follow, click, and word of mouth you help us get one step closer to our goal. Just know that this isn’t just some out of touch, profit hungry corporate company. If we win you win. Boost Coffee is built for the students and once we achieve success we want to give back through charity, scholarships and student support! Our ultimate goal is to enhance student’s quality of life, happiness, and success and it all starts with that first cup of coffee in the morning, more specifically that first Boost Coffee.